Sustainable Specifying Guide
The BIID have produced an in depth tool kit to guide you through sustainable specifying.
The BIID have produced a comprehensive tool kit to guide you through sustainable specifying. Part of an interior designer's responsibility is to advise clients on the environmental and social impact of their project, and this will be a manual to incorporating sustainability into your design process.
Download the full PDF and use it as your guide when approaching sustainable specifying. This detailed tool kit will be your manual to incorporating sustainability into your design process.
Top Tip: Pressing Ctrl + F (Command + F for Mac users) is a great way to find specific information in our extensive guide. The Contents Page headings are also linked to the corresponding section of the article, so you can click on whichever topic you want to explore straight from the Contents Page!
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Due by Tuesday 30th April 2024 for all learning activities undertaken in period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.
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